Sunday, July 28, 2013

Words of Wisdom (From my Pants)

I have a sad announcement. As of last night, my laptop is no longer among the living. It is with heavy heart that I must inform you that its hard drive has crashed.

"Hey, crazy plant lady," you say, "What does this have to do with your pants?" Shush. I'm getting to that. Be patient.

First, you must know that the loss of my laptop is an emotional one. She was a good laptop. I named her Lizzie, and she served me well the three years I had her. She was with me through countless all-nighters and final papers and Doctor Who marathons with my roommate. Although I did have most of my important files backed up, there are still things that will be lost. The most recent photos I had, a chapter from the book I was writing, access to all the things I've long since forgotten the passwords to, a few measures of my senior composition project (although, I think those might still be saved in an email). All things I took for granted. It's a hard loss.

Now, the pants. My grandmother took me shopping on Monday. I'm very hard on clothing, especially shoes and jeans, and all my jeans had acquired holes in... unfortunate places. As a result, she took me to buy a few new pairs of jeans before I head back to school in a few weeks. Due to my... "slightly below average" stature, they needed to be hemmed. They arrived in the mail on Thursday. Both pairs I had liked best happened to be from the same brand, "Liverpool," and it so happens, as I was removing them from the box, that I noticed on the inside of the right front pocket of both pairs, a Beatles quote. One, from "Revolution," the other from "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da." As a Beatles fan, and self-proclaimed hippie, I was pleased with this development, and didn't really think anything of it.

Until last night, when, in the midst of my sorrow over the loss of my beloved laptop, I took off my pants and was faced with the following words of wisdom: "Ob-la-di, ob-la-da. Life goes on." These words were exactly what I needed to hear, the sentiment fitting perfectly with the events of my life. Yes, I had lost my computer, and that loss hurt. But the earth continues to spin, the sun continues to shine, and, yes, "Life goes on." It just goes to show that even in the darkest of times, wisdom can come from the strangest of places. Even, yes, your pants. Now, as I go to shop for a new hard drive, and hopefully bring new life to the shell that once was my laptop, I remember those words.

Ob-la-di, ob-la-da.

~Happy Hippie Herbivore

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