Oh. Wait. I suppose that's my job, isn't it.
Well, drat, since you seem to have inadvertently found this "about" page, I suppose I have to tell you something "about" me, don't I... Hmmm...
Uh, I'm a writer? I guess that much was obvious...
I wrote a book for NaNoWriMo this year. It's called Beneath the Shadowlanders and it's about what happens when our shadows detach and take over the world. It's pretty cool I guess.
Also, I got married in June 2015 to my best friend and soulmate.
I play several instruments, including piano, guitar, and flute, and I write songs sometimes. You can find them here and here. You can also find the story behind the musical I'm writing right here.
So, uh... I guess if there's anything else you want to know... You can, like, leave a comment or whatever? Yeah.
Uh... Bye!
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