Saturday, October 3, 2015

31 Days of Moments, Day 3: Drips


The warm water runs gently across my hands and slips into a pool around the drain, lapping against the sticky plates and coffee stained mugs.

The soap is slick across my fingers as I massage a few drops into our old yellow sponge. The bubbles foam out of the sides, dripping into a dirty pot with a soft splash. Lavender wafts from the sink and into my nose, mingled with the sharp scent of week-old lasagna sauce and sour coffee creamer, stuck to the bottom of more than one brightly colored mug.

I dip my hands into the water, pulling out a plate. This one was from taco night. There's still sour cream solidified on one side. I brush the sponge gently across its surface, pressing harder where the messes are. It comes clean with little effort, and I shake it off before placing it upside down in the cabinet above my head.

Dip in again, this time pulling out a bowl. It looks clean already. Closer inspection reveals it was a cereal bowl. I brush out the few remaining crumbs and rinse, placing it in the adjacent cabinet.

Next, is a mug. Morning coffee, two or three days ago. The grounds leave dark brown lines across the interior, like a growth chart in reverse. A shrink chart? The stains come off easily with a swipe of my magic sponge. It's the dried on cream that takes time. I scrub away at the solidified mass, gradually pulling it out, and run the mug under the now-hot water, for good measure. It, too, goes into a cabinet, this one to my right.

Out comes a pot. Ugh. Pizza sauce. Jeremy makes the best pizza, but cleaning the sauce off the pot is the worst. It goes sour as soon as it cools, leaving a tomato pulp film across the bottom, as the juice cooks off and evaporates. The sticky mass collects on my sponge and I have to rinse it several times, nearly running out of soap in the process. I squirt in a few more drops, squelching the suds into the pot. It, too, gets a final rinse, and finds its home on the wire shelves behind me.

So it goes, plate, mug, bowl, mug, plate, pot, bowl, pan, until all that's left is the silverware. Good God, how many forks do we own? Each one gets a swipe from the sponge, a rinse in the running water, and plink! into the silverware holder. One by one, swipe, rinse, plink! swipe, rinse, plink! until the sink is finally empty.

I run my hands under the warm water, smushing the last of the suds out of the sponge, before placing it in its dish at the head of the sink. I shake the last few drips from my fingers, then turn to the fridge.

Dinner time.


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Friday, October 2, 2015

31 Days of Moments: Day 2: Pounce

Her eyes sparkle. She pulls back the corners of her mouth into a mischievous smirk. She crouches, legs poised to spring.

The green stuffed mouse gently wiggles as I drag it across the floor, felt tail grasped between my toes.

She inches forward, claws flexing and retreating, eyes never leaving the toy. The hair on her back stands up, waving like grass as her muscles ripple underneath. Her tail flicks back and forth excitedly. A soft hiss escapes her throat, and she pulls deeper into the crouch.

With one last flick of my toes, the toy goes soaring across the floor, into a patch of sunlight. She turns, pulling back against her own legs. One, two, three...

Pounce! She launches across the room, over a pile of laundry and a stack of books, suspended temporarily only by the strength of her hind legs. Her front feet make silent contact with the tile on the other side, claws out, inches from the mouse. Her hind legs follow, as she slides into the toy, snatching it up with sharp teeth and powerful jaws. She leans back onto her hind legs, grasping the mouse with her front paws, viciously ripping at it with her teeth. She throws it into the air, leaping up to meet it on its descent, slamming it into the tile with both feet.

She bats it between her legs, reaching back to kick it forward again.

Oops! Too far. It slides under the coffee table, coming to rest next to one of the legs. She crouches again, Inching forward, one paw at a time, until...


It disappears! Where did it go? She turns frantically in the direction it flew.


It's next to the TV, nestled between DVD cases. She immediately leaps onto it. It won't escape this time!

She wrestles with the toy, chomping onto its catnip-filled center. She rolls onto her back and latches onto it with all four paws. She rolls back and forth, swiping angrily at the ground when it slips out of her grasp.

She rolls upright, and lines up to pounce again. Hind legs ready to spring, eyes sparkling mischievously, fur rippling. One, two...


What was that?

She turns her head instantly. Daddy is standing in the kitchen with - is that... It is!

She bounds to his feet, brushing against his calf as he plops the can of fancy feast onto a plate. The mouse rests in the patch of sunlight, all but forgotten.

She scurries over to her food bowl, eager and hungry.

Daddy places the plate gently onto the floor. One, two, three...



Thursday, October 1, 2015

31 Days of Moments: An Introduction

Deep breath.



My fingers drop onto the keys, unsteady, waiting, tense. They're ready; I'm not.

Maybe one more deep breath.



Where do I even begin? How do I start something like this?

I mean, it's not like I haven't done it before... I mean, not this, specifically, but, you know... This. Writing. Blogging. Whatever.

I don't know, I guess maybe this time it's different? ...More honest? ...More real? I don't know.

What if no one reads it?

What if someone does?



Here goes...

Click, click, click... Tapping away at keys, tentatively, nervously. One word. Two words. Three. Four. Five. Six words. I have a sentence. One sentence. That's good enough, right?

No, I sigh. There has to be more.



I can do this.

I can't do this.

My mother will kill me.

I don't care.

Okay, I care.

I just won't tell her.

What if she finds out anyway?

She won't.

Who am I kidding? She's a mom. She'll know.



Does it even matter? Isn't it time I stopped worrying what they think? Come on.

Fingers back on keys.



I can do this.

I have to.


"Let me tell you a story."

Hey, guys. So, this kicks of my 31 Days of Blogging series, #31Days of Moments. You can follow along on social media with the hashtag #31Moments, or you can keep checking back here every day as I work my way through a month of writing down single moments.

The goal is to write 500 words or more about moments of 5 minutes or less. I thought it appropriate to write about a moment of blogging for this introduction post. This is the moment I began the blog series that ultimately led to the writing of my memoir (in-progress), Lost Girl: Found.

I'm doing this blog series for two reasons.

First, to challenge myself. To force myself to write, just for a few minutes, each day.

Second, to practice resting in the details. I tend to tell lengthy overarching stories, skipping over the little moments, in favor of sweeping summary. The purpose of this series is to force me to take time to appreciate the little things, to pay attention to them, savor them, remember them.

This series will be broken down into "weeks" beginning every Saturday (except this one, obviously.) Each week will have its own theme, announced at the beginning of the week. All the posts in the series will be linked at the bottom of this page, so they can be found easily. Additionally, each post will link to this page, the previous post, and the next post in the series.

This is Day One. There are thirty more.

Are you with me?

background photo courtesy of [AndreasS]
Week One: #EverydayMoments
Day One: Introduction
Day Two: Pounce
Day Three: Drips
Day Four:
Day Five:
Day Six:
Day Seven:
Day Eight:
Day Nine:

Week Two:
Day Ten:
Day Eleven:
Day Twelve:
Day Thirteen:
Day Fourteen:
Day Fifteen:
Day Sixteen:

Week Three:
Day Seventeen:
Day Eighteen:
Day Nineteen:
Day Twenty:
Day Twenty-One:
Day Twenty-Two:
Day Twenty-Three:

Week Four:
Day Twenty-Four:
Day Twenty-Five:
Day Twenty-Six:
Day Twenty-Seven:
Day Twenty-Eight:
Day Twenty-Nine:
Day Thirty: